How to Create a Custom Drawing and How to Save It


I come back to my subject , which I thought was closed

Where can I find the Custom Display Template section? 

I make my example plan A2 size ech 1/1  ok        

I set the annotation, dimensioning  etc fonts, ok 

I save my plan OK 

How do I save and find these settings if I do a new A2 ech 1/1


Thank you 






You have to save it as a plan template (drwdot) with its name then you will have to search for the location and that way each time you create MEP you will have access to it.


Thank you for your answer 

I recorded in drwdot 

How do I assign this type of plan to a new room ??  

Kind regards 


As well as saving the new template (drwdot), you must add the folder where you saved it into your file locations.

Tools >> Options >> System Options >> File Locations >> Document Templates, and then add the folder where you saved the drawing template. Then the folder will be listed as a tab when creating new files and you can select your template from its tab.

Hope that helps


Hi David (innova Systems Tech support)

Thank you for you help 

Problem solved 

Best regards 



Thanks to lot 


Good evening @LARGHETTO

If all your templates (e.g . TITI drwdot and ToTo drwdot) are in the same directory and you go into expert mode, then when you create your MEP it offers you the different templates or formats you have created. Just select the one you want A4 A3 A2 according to the title you gave your model.

Kind regards