How do you create a sphere from points on a surface?



   I would like to machine a part, I have a "complex" surface, the goal is not to be 100% of the real surface but to get closer to it. The idea would be to draw a ball (strawberry ball) that would best fit this surface. I know that I can create curves on this surface with the sketch/face curves tool, it creates a "mesh" of the face in 3D sketching, after that there are percentage adjustments to refine the mesh. But how to make the best ball pass (radius and position through 3 or 4 chosen points?


Thank you and I hope I have been clear;)


If you take a CAM software, depending on your ball cutter, it will give you the unmachined parts.

And so you will approach the desired surface by changing the diameter of this cutter.


1- If you have your "chosen" points, you can create a 3d sketch, make a circle by its perimeter (taking your 3 points).

2- With your points, you create a plane passing through these points, and then you make a sketch of a circle tangent to your surface mesh.

3- You make a spherical piece, and you use it with your surface with motion (gravity). Your sphere will position itself in the hollow of your surface. And you change the diameter of your sphere to get what you want.