How do I create a custom "Welded Parts List" table?

I would like to create a custom welded parts list but I can't find how to do it. I have the length that is displayed but I would also like the weight of the profiles.

I know we can do this with each new plan manually and line by line but I will want to automate it, can you help me?

Thank you


Just right-click on the list and then add the weight column then you right-click on your table and save (4th row from the bottom normally). The next time you select the one you created and let you go


Well done, I think that an update of my knowledge was necessary.

My whole problem is not solved.

Is it possible to edit the table (or list) anywhere other than in Solidworks? Can we add columns with a formula, like in an Excel table? If so, how

It seems to me that it is not possible to edit the table outside of  SolidWorks and as for columns that are added automatically I don't think so. You have to create all the ones you need and save the table.

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 @Gaylord Please close the question by designating the answer that solved your problem. This has the effect of helping other users who may be in the same situation.

Also, the rule of the forum is to ask one question at a time. If you have another question (even on the same topic) please create a new question.

Good luck on this forum

Kind regards



In "standard" use of Solidworks, it also seems to me that it is not possible to edit the table outside of Solidworks  except by saving it in csv or xls format, but it is not possible to re-import it into SW.

However, depending on your final need and your level of knowledge, it is possible by macro to retrieve the values from this table, to make calculations with these values and then to add the result of these calculations in a new column. Please note that the values in this new column will not be automatically calculated when updating this table.

Kind regards


Hello, to always have the same nomenclature with the same columns, you just have to prepare your nomenclature as you want it, profile, length, weight,... And then save it by right-clicking and then save as. Either you overwrite the default file or you save it in your name!

Be careful, in your options choose the path where you place your nomenclature. I, personally all my configuration data and libraries a directory by Solidworks.

Also you can make nomenclature and custom tables for everyone in the same way.

Last thing, all the profiles you use must have the same properties as your nomenclature. This avoids constantly changing your template.

Kind regards

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