In the FeatureManager authoring tree, when you hover over a feature, the software displays graphical arrows that show the complex relationships between the elements.
This is called dynamic reference visualization.
The blue arrows show the parent relationships. The purple arrows indicate child relationships. If a reference cannot be displayed because a function is not expanded, the arrow points to the function containing the reference and the reference appears in a text box to the right of the arrow.
The arrows for parent and child relationships are disabled by default. You can enable/disable one or both of the arrow sets.
The setting you choose becomes the default setting for all documents.
To enable dynamic reference visualization in parts :
Right-click the first item in the FeatureManager authoring tree.
On the context toolbar, click the following options:
Click Visualize Dynamic References (Parent) to activate the parent reference arrows.
Click Dynamic Reference Visualization (Child) to activate child reference arrows.
To enable dynamic reference visualization in assemblies :
Right-click a component, subassembly, or top-level assembly feature.
If you enable or disable dynamic datum visualization at any level, the change affects the entire assembly.
You can customize other toolbars by adding the Dynamic Reference Visualization (parent) and Dynamic Reference Visualization (child) buttons . For example, you can add them to the Aim Up View toolbar so that they are always visible and you don't have to right-click to access them. You can also create keyboard shortcuts to make it easier to turn tools on and off.