When you type an equation, after the =, you have the possibility to have a handy little drop-down menu:
But as soon as you have used a value once or typed text, how can you make it appear again at will?
Because it is very practical to choose values without making typos
Thank you
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Not sure to be very clear in my explanation but basically you have to click in certain areas of the formula for it to appear.
For example, in the if, the menu appears if you put your cursor back just after the =, between the parentheses of the if and then the menu displays more or less parameter depending on where you are in the formula.
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Yes @Cyril.f, it works when I make personal examples.
But when I do the SolidWorks tutorial on Equation, there's no way to have this little window.
And it's painful to type it all out!
I agree with you @alain. ERP is often annoying!
After that it depends on what you need in the list, if it's a glomable variable, you can just click on it and it will be added to the formula.
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Thank you for your answers!
In conclusion It often works, but in some cases not
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