Hi all
As you can see in the topic, I have a small problem in my assembly. My problem is that after creating my twist springs; I integrated it into my assembly but when I move my system it doesn't recognize it as a spring (logical since I didn't tell it that it was). This is where I need you, I would like Solidworks to recognize my springs and move the assembly accordingly, how to do it?
(I admit that I don't have a good grasp of spring designs, because I don't do it very much)
Thank you in advance for your answers!
I'm not sure that you can model a spring and make it move dynamically on assemblies. Otherwise you have to do this kind of spring: https://www.lynkoa.com/tutos/3d/creer-un-ressort-variable-avec-deplacement-realiste-sous-solidworks
If you want a modeling closer to reality you will probably have to make configurations, with the minimum / maximum angle of the spring and intermediate positions.
Kind regards
See my 2nd tutorial on springs:
By adapting it to your spring, I think you should be able to realize it dynamically.
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Thank you for your answers! I managed to apply your tutorial! Thank you very much!
And as for the configurations, I had thought about it but I admit that I really wanted some kind of animation that would allow me to see my system moving.
Thank you again and have a good day!