How to make this piece



Here is the little reflection of the weekend 

How to make this piece




@+ ;-)




On the other hand I can't determine if the snail is flat or rather conical? (if we look from the side)

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In general it remains a sweep, your profile can be "swept thin" if you want it to be hollow, so the trajectory is a spiral.

I look at it when I have two minutes!

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Hi @ Tomalam


it is slightly conical


We are reaching some limits of solidworks


@+ ;-)

Complicated with spiral smoothing, Sw doesn't want to have "crossed" volumes so I can just make the part with some light between the extrusions

Hello I think you have to make different smoothing in quarter turns (2 sketches): the trajectory is spiral and on the starting plane (outside) you have to make the profile as many times as the trajectory passes through it! The same goes for the perpendicular plane. What do you think?

it might work if we have time... Now it's your turn to show us! ;)

@ Tomalam

Always show what you've done


This will give ideas to the other participants


I could see with this piece that in surface we had a little  more freedom compared to volume


It is true that several sketches must be made

at least that's how I proceeded, maybe there are others?


@+ ;-)

Here's what I manage to do but then I get stuck...


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A priori I will make a "simple" smoothing surface following a conical spiral trajectory (trajectory obtained with the spiral function of solidworks projected on a cone).


Ah or maybe to do a cone type revolution and then dig the groove in the shape of a spiral and fix it all with leaves.

Then finish with the shell function.

Hello:  result With CATIAV5

I didn't use a cone (but a revolution from a spline) is the spiral is variable-pitch.

See screenshots (the center is still to be finished and the internal intersections are cleaned).


I'll put you a link where you can find a lot of information about formulas on curves Click HERE




@ Tomalam it's not bad but I think you're blocked by the lack of profile


and + is you in volume


I could see that we are stuck + early (via the ratio radius of curvature / profile section) than on surface area why I don't know if someone can answer.....


However, we are on a basic log volume.......... (SolidWorks)


@ Thomas in sweeping I tried and you get stuck quickly

@ lucas it's a solution beware of the folds solidworks doesn't like contacts

@ fthomas your method is the one I used surface-smoothing

@ Tomalan you have to explain your last message to me don't understand well


@+ :-)

@ Franck

under Catia it's actually easier than on SolidWorks

not the same product either

Thank you for the link to curve formulas

@+ ;-)

@Gt22 Here's what I thought I'd do but it doesn't look great. After I don't practice surface surgery so it's going to stop there for me^^
