How do I show the direction of the profile next to the 2 corners in the list of welded construction in plan?


In the list, we find the cutting angles with the lengths, but I would only like to have a table plan with the position of the profile for the cut.

Indeed, the 2 angles are not enough, it is necessary to have the 3D view to manage the direction of cutting, especially on a rectangular profile.

Do you know how to manage a profile list only by welded construction list without the need to add a 3D.

For example: 45 and -45 or a 2D diagram.... or a defined  angular position: profile position 0° / 90° ....

In short, how to completely automate the welded construction list to produce a document that can be completely used by a person who only does cutting.

Thank you in advance for your answers (hoping my question isn't too "stupid", I seem to have searched, but without 3d, I'm stalling :))




Good evening

Personally, when there is a risk of error on a cross-section, I add a view by selecting only the body  to be represented and I add the dimensions.

I do it in any case when I make plans for steel joinery with Socomal joint profiles where there is a bastard cut to be made and an addition of an oposed joint cut.

There are no functions to automatically add a view of each body on a MEP. It must be feasable with a small macro.

It would also be a good improvement of SW to offer a thumbnail  in the welded parts list table.

For small designs, an ISO view and a detail view is often sufficient.

By the way, a positive angle is right cut on a band saw or milling saw and negative left cut/flipping.

In my opinion, the MEPs of welded constructions should not only be used by the type who cuts but must also be used by welders or fitters who have to carry out the assembly using the configurations (one stock and one with all the joint preparations and welding specifications)

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Yves, thank you for your answer, I agree, a thumbnail would have been a really nice improvement.

If others have solutions or macro to realize this proposal, I'm interested.

In the meantime, I put the 3d and the operator visualizes the cutting angle, but a simple list with thumbnail would still be more effective, especially for large constructions that have a lot of profiles.


I just bought mycadtools, with the aim of solving this problem and saving time on drawings, using smartdrawing.

I'm afraid I've been in a long mess and probably have to spend several weekends "parameterizing" before getting to my end (I don't have solidworks maintenance...) if someone has already been there and they're kind enough to pass these elements on to me.....

But on my side, I haven't found other solutions to make mechanically welded drawings quickly (too bad and too many plans that cause crashes with  solidworks)

I am considering switching to TEKLA if I messed up with smartdrawing.