How to make a spherical stamping in solidworks

Hello everyone,

here I am going in circles because I can't find how to make a spherical stamping with or without a hole in the middle (the 2 versions interest me)

Thank you in advance.



With the help of the stamping tool it is feasible Example


Hello Syrius

Be careful on a spherical stamp, the drilling also deforms and the final shape is no longer a cylindrical hole but a conical one with dimensions that are not too precise because the faces stretch. If you want the hole to remain cylindrical, it will have to be made by drilling after stamping.

But the realization of the tool remains the same in all cases. There are many tutorials on this.

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Hi there,

Thank you for taking the time to answer me, despite the explanations given above I didn't manage to do my stamping.

FYI I work mainly in sheet metal mode and I have the stamped function but I don't understand how it works.

What I would like is to be able to define the radius of the spherical, the radius of the start of the spherical and its stamping height.

If you can, put your in video form.

Thank you in advance.



Good evening

Two things

1°) video in sheet metal mode

2°) What my colleagues tell you (whom I salute by the way) is that it gives you the theoretical form for the purpose of overall design but it will not represent the reality of your piece in the workshop because depending on the direction of the fiber, etc... the part in theory flat will not be you will have folds of shrinkage or elongation, etc... In addition, in the workshop, they will probably do the thing in two times, the sphere and then the stamping of the bottom of the sphere for the sake of centering the hole of the shape base, unless it is with a tool to follow or a stamping tool, cutting as for the CNC punctures
Solidworks is not a stamping tool (abuse of language on the part of SW) as are specialized software that takes into account plastic deformation.

Solidworks will give you the theoretical form you want as a designer and the workshop will do according to the usual tools of their workshop or that they will create specifically.

Kind regards




Hi Zozo,

Very interesting video but I didn't understand anything because I don't work in this way at all.

I work mainly on thin thicknesses, especially on parts that are stamped from 0.3 to 0.6mm and not exceeding 3mm in stamping height.

I don't know if I explained myself well, what I'm looking for is once the part is finished made according to sheet metal, to be able to select the part to be deformed by giving the radius of the spherical and the depth of stamping



Good evening

Great with such thin thickness and shallow depth, the deformations are small

So if I understand, you have to

1°) That you do your sheet metal work in the classic way when everything is ok
2° ) You put your sheet flat

If you don't want to use the stamped tool proposed in the video, which is still a simple solution, especially if you're creating a library of shapes. But hey!

3°) you make a revolution of the desired shape around the axis that you put where you want, then a removal of matter for the superfluous matter then you make the rays that are fine

4°) you do the linear repetitions which are fine if you have several stampings on your flat sheet.

5°) You remove the flattening with the button that fits well (folded <==> unfolded) and then miraculously you have your sheet metal volume with the stampings

Obviously you have to do the stampings last if not SW  offers you a trip to the Parthenon   (he's a bit stubborn)

Kind regards

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By using the stamping function in the volume mode, you can quickly punch.

Here are some pictures

First the necessary bends


then draw the punch tool

give it volume WITHOUT merging with the sheet metal

We get sheet metal + punch, two different objects.

Then and finally the volume stamping function . Not the sheet metal work , it doesn't do the same thing.

It's simple, you choose the sheet metal first, then the tool. Tick the boxes like me. Do not change the default properties.

The result is this one after hiding the tool

The interior and exterior departments still need to be done. 

Is that what you are looking for?


Hello @soring 

and the hole at the bottom of the sphere    ;-) :-)

This is the version without a hole:D


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The hole will have to be done afterwards 

If I understood @cil correctly dede_1 he wants to create a sphere to stamp. With and without holes. 

There are three methods described here. To make the hole at the same time as the stamping, you will have to be satisfied with the method detailed by @Zozo or the sheet metal stamping that I have given rather with its disadvantages.

The third is the volume stamping which is very simple to use but the hole to make afterwards.



Hello to both of you,

Yes I confirm that I need the version with and without the hole and then to make the hole at the end is not disturbing.

On the other hand, I tried to do with your explanations but I'm still going around in circles.

Can you make me a detailed video from A-Z so that I can understand and see where I am making the mistake.

Thank you.


Sorry I'm not equipped for this but I left you my file as an example. 

I don't know your SW level but you seem to be at the beginning. I couldn't explain it more simply. Maybe someone else more gifted in pedagogy.

With a little research now that you know the "Stamping" function:

OK no problem SORING otherwise on the pcs that are not too old there is the recording function with the Windows+G key

My level is very limited because I learned solidworks recently with a young autistic intern that we had for 2 months and my job is the most based on fine sheet metal.

And SBADENIS interesting the videos, I didn't know the design by a tool created before for formatting, I thought it was simpler.

As soon as I have a little time to kill I try to make up for it with the tutorial.




Hello everyone,

With time and persistence, I managed to make a circular stamp.

on the other hand I am stuck on an oblong shape

I attach a file (solidworks 2016) to understand the subject.

On the checkerboard part you would need a dome of an R21.4 wide on the entire length and just on the ends of the oblong an R21.9 in the length.

hoping to have been able to make myself understood.




I guess the goal is to generate the volume below, replacing the extruded shape of your part.
This is to create a stamping tool...

In the absence of a 2016 version, a possible approach is described in the attached document.

Kind regards


Hello, thank you for this answer, that's what I wanted.

But I still stumble in practice (arc R21.4 sketch3).

Would it be possible to have this practice in video to follow step by step and to add an R2 on the entire contour of the oblong.

Yours sincerely.



Good evening Syrius,

No problem, the video is attached.

Kind regards.


Good evening

ok great for the video, I tried but I got lost in sketch 4 because everything remains flat, I'll try again tomorrow.

Concerning sketch 1 on which plane to start (front, top or right)

Yours sincerely.
