How to make an M15 tapped hole on Solidworks 2016?


I need to make an M15 tapped hole in a room. I use the drilling assistance function for this, however this function does not offer me an M15. 

I'm on Solidworks 2016. Does anyone have a trick to make an M15? 

Thank you. 


Since this is not a standard tapping, you have two solutions:

1- modify the wizard to add the M15 (via a personal drilling standard, I think)

2- Drill to the pre-hole diameter a standard hole and add an annotation thread representation


Hello Pascal,

What do you mean by "a thread representation annotation"? I drill to the diameter of the front hole (13mm for M15 it seems to me) and then, on my plan, I can't put an extended M15 since I don't have a representation of the tap.  Do I just have to put a note to specify that it's an M15 hole?

Thank you.  



The easiest way is to make a hole the size of the front hole, i.e. Ø13 (M15 no 2)

then to make a thread representation (insertion, annotation, thread representation)

the representation will behave correctly in your drawings and even in your 3D view if you activate the representation (option, document property, Wrapping, representation of shaded threads)