How do you do an extrusion on a sketch with multiple angles on multiple planes?



I have to make a ramp (handrail) with a profile including several angles on several planes.

I'm tearing my hair out!!! :$ 

Help please :)

From a 3D sketch? Do you have a visual of what you want to achieve? 



Could you give us a screen print or a sketch of what you would like to have????


the easiest if you can view it from above

you create a sketch on the axis of your ramp profile

The easiest thing for me is to create a surface that takes up all the height of your staircase

then via this surface you have your x plane defined

All you have to do is create sketches on this surface and trace the slope of your handrail

so depending on the type of staircase 

Example 2/4 turning

so your surface profile is 1 U

and you have 3 sketches that follow the slope of your staircase with offset

after you create a 3D sketch via convert the entities you select the 3 sketch lines of the 3 vertical planes

then you create the (curves/radius) and adjust to each angle

you end up with the axis of your ramp

So you create your handrail profile via a sketch create 

perpendicular to your handrail axis line

and do your sweeping / smoothing

and it's over

@+ ;-)



Of course, I don't have a sketch of what I want, a simple rough freehand shot.

It is an access railing to a camping swimming pool.

There is an open angle on a first axis, then 105° on another axis, a length broken by an angle of 106°...

Hard to explain.

I know that I have to create several sketches, on several planes, but then to make my profile extrusion follow a trajectory, I don't know how to do it.

I'll try to follow what I understood from the GT22 indications;)

When I have this kind of work to do, I start by creating a volume representing my masonry.

Then I make a 3D sketch on a plan. Finally, I use the welded construction module.

You will find an example in the attachments
