How do you make a reduced dimension line on a detail view?


After a lot of research on the Internet, I come to you to hope to find the answer to my question.

Indeed, for a plan that I am in the process of making, I would like to make a dimension reduced by one diameter on a part in revolution. I know that on a normal view it is possible, but on a detail view, impossible to find! I googled and didn't see anyone doing the search.

Thank you for your help and see you soon!



Topic covered here:


If you have imported your dimensions to the main view, you can drag them one by one to your detail view by holding the ctrl key for each dimension. Then, on the diameter dimensions, all you have to do is hide the reminder line and the arrow by right-clicking on each of them.


Alternative: Enlarge your detail view so that you can see the full diameter and dimension it. Then hide the rappel line and arrow and collapse the view as desired.

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