How to make a configurable square/round hopper? (Transition fold)

Another solution, I always put the same number of straight or curved parts in the top sketch as in the bottom one and I make sure that the top and bottom right parts are //.

See attached example with 1 rectangle in each sketch and fillets in each corner of the rectangle. And I put as much leave as possible to simulate a round. For the last fold, just add it with a more traditional method.

The advantage of this method is that even with an ellipse or a remote and inclined circle, the triangle on the face of the hopper is real and not a twisted surface as SW knows how to do so well!

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Or else you stay on TopSolid 7 and with the money saved by a software change you ask for a specific development of what is missing :-)

Indeed, TopSolid 7 natively integrates a hopper control where it is possible to manage the high and low section independently, with management of angles and misalignments. This hopper is then cut as desired and then transformed into an assembly if necessary.