How to merge two faces to project a sketch for extrusion

Hi all

I'll come back to you at the fablab, I was able to evolve well in the handling of the software but here I'm fishing. I would like to be able to do what I put in pictures on my solid but I can't. I was thinking of doing the same as for the extrusion text from one side but I can't because I have two  and I can't merge them. I checked merge in lisage but it doesn't do anything. I also tried to project the sketch and I can't get anywhere

Maybe I don't choose the right method if you have an idea. Because it would be great sdi I could do an extrusion as on a flat surface and then I apply leaves

Thanks in advance




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Show your Creation Tree to find out how you did it

by opening each function to understand

Is it bodies or surfaces?

if it's surfaces you have to sew

Why doesn't a projected sketch work?

it is necessary to project from curve to surface

it should normally work

what's your version of SW?

You also have the possibility to create a sketch, it's up to you to position this sketch well

via a new sketch plane to be created

and on this sketch create the shape and make your extrusion

@+ ;-)

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The fablab version is the 2016 version

If I make a projected  curve like the blue line but from a closed   sketch e.g. rectangle I can't select the projected curve to extrude


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Try to sew all your surfaces already

so that there is only 1 surface left

and tick once formed a volume


You also have the possibility to thicken your surfaces to create volume

you must have?

-1 empty volume folder

-1 surface backrest with X surfaces

that I don't see in your tree of creation

@+ ;-)

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I surfaced stitched  and I selected create a solid and merge the entities but it doesn't just give me a surface.

For your option I don't see where to look



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If you have several surfaces it means that not all of them are sewn

so selecton your surfaces

and you should find a blue line between the surfaces that are not sewn

so couds / couds

to have only 1 surface

@+ ;-)

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No matter how much I sew, it doesn't  change if someone would be kind enough to look at my file to see where I did something stupid because at my level I'm drying

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you need to post your file already

I'm under SW 2012 so I can't open your file

In your Surface folder you have how much surface area

maybe you have to look at the size of the seams 

your holes are too big

Take a few screenshots by selecting your surfaces

to see how many surfaces you have

and post the


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question why do you have X symmetries?

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because I made the symmetry as I went along, why?

so take each symmetry / pair

and sews

then you sew what you sewed

to have only 1 and only surface


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For the surface file where is it?

look to have a figure greater than the discontinuity  of the surfaces 

you have the discontinuity values displayed just below



Display seam discontinuities on the component

When you sew surfaces, you can view seam gaps within a range in the Stitched Surface PropertyManager and identify any gaps that are on the component.

  1. When a part is open, click When a Part Is Open, click  (Surfaces toolbar) or right-click in the FeatureManager Design Tree, and then click Edit Feature . 
  2. In the PropertyManager, select the surfaces and then select Discontinuity Control.

    Discontinuities are listed in the PropertyManager if they are seam discontinuities that are within the range specified in the Show Discontinuities in Range option . Open  discontinuities have values that are higher than the seam tolerance.

  3. If necessary, move the sliders to change the range for which the discontinuities are displayed.
  4. Select a discontinuity from the list.


    To select a discontinuity, click the Stitched Surface icon . To select multiple discontinuities, press CTRL before selecting them.

    The discontinuity is located on the component.


  5. To zoom to a discontinuity, right-click a selected discontinuity in the PropertyManager, and then click Zoom to Selection.



Parent topic

Stitched surface

Related concepts

Working with Stitched Surface Discontinuities

Related tasks

Using the Original Faces option

Seam discontinuities within tolerance

Opening up seam discontinuities

Related Reference

The Sewn Surface PropertyManager - Discontinuity Control

Search for 'Show Seam Discontinuities on Component' in the SOLIDWORKS Knowledge Base.


Thank you

If I understood correctly I looked in my screenshot everything is good


so there is only 1 surface left?

If so, 2 options

_1-it is enough to thicken this said surface inwards to have a volume of skin with a thickness

_2-Requires to see a volume at the last seam of the said surfacr to have a full body

After via a sketch nothing prevents you from projecting on this said volume


It remains to select the answer that solved the question

by clicking on the resolved box to the right of the said answer ;-)


I put the file because I can't do it if a person can take a look


and as already said I can't open your future version file

Send my file to step

or parasolid



In Step
