How to merge two faces to project a sketch for extrusion

See attached 

I completely took over your piece via your step

there was too much flaw

among other things on the head and symmetries

As you hadn't prepared your part to make junctions that fall on the same plane so an undeniable and uncontrollable angle

I was able to thicken your body but your head impossible

so it's very difficult to do something clean

little better but you have to spend + time

with a projected sketch having made a plane shift

the attached file in SW 2012 so you can open it ;-)

@+ ;-)



Thank you very much

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Have you tried to convert this projected curve into a 3D sketch, and then to make an extrusion specifying its orientation?

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@ leblanc 

His problem was a non-homogeneous surface

that is to say that the half piece was made via 4 surfaces

with huge discontinuities due to lack of curve preparation

opens its file me I couldn't see the version 

and you'll understand

so since it didn't have a single surface

it is difficult to project on X surfaces since it is not selectable

@ my lady

you should as much as possible for this type of room

only work on half a piece since it is symmetrical

and you'll do your symmetry completely at the end

and if you want to respect your image

you haven't finished coming to see us ;-)

For the eye and its contour there is some reluctance of the log

so we'll have to use some malice ;-)

for fun

@+ ;-)


@ My Lady

an overview of what I was able to do

@+ ;-)