How do you gray boxes in a BOM?


I would like to grey boxes in a nomenclature, impossible to find a solution.

Thanks in advance 


There is the possibility to create a grayed block the size of the box and then insert it if necessary but otherwise I don't think it's possible...

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@ AC COBRA 427 can you send us sugared almonds for the baptism of ZOE.


May the force be with you


You can always create a bill of materials in Excel format.

While editing it in Excel, you can color boxes:



Thank you ac cobra 427,

You mean integrating panels and changing their colors with the layers?

Is it possible to constrain 2 nomenclature tables together to align them?

Otherwise, is it possible to make a nomenclature model with an excel file?

Thank you

Yes, insert an excel table, but designate it as the default model and link to the parts is possible?

Alan. ERP it seems to me that by exiting the SW table editing disables all the rows (well that's the behavior I have on SW2014).

@ a.leblanc just generate an excel file with the right column headings and map with the properties of the SW files (name box in excel, put the name of the property)

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It was almost 2 years ago, I still have a few but I don't guarantee the well-being of the tasters ;-)

In fact, I create a sketch box on the nomenclature then give it a texture by going insert==>annotation then area/hatched/fill then I fill with a layer color and then I click on it then and change the color with color of the line then save it as a block and bring it back to the nomenclature as I see fit...

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@AC Cobra: the idea of a grayed box made by a rectangle is good but not associative with the nomenclature (if you move places or if you reduce the column for example).

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Hello, thank you all for your answers. 

Cyril.f your solution would suit me well, is there a tutorial to learn how to map the properties of solidworks files?

Could you give me an example please?

And is it possible to save it as the default model?

 Alain. ERP, indeed there is no associativity


I'm not sure if there is a tutorial on this point but the help of Solidworks explains how it works:

However, as I said, SW disables the nomenclature when you change the color of the cells (at least that's the behavior I had when doing a quick test on SW2014). To be tested but not said that it meets the need.

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