Forum myCAD

How to impose the position in the tree of the assembly sketch in an asmdot above the constraints?


I create an assembly sketch by doing the following:

  1. File>nveau>assembly
  2. Nvelle esq on plan facing

case 1: from a template A the esq is in the tree above the constraints: everything is fine

case 2: from a template B the esq is in the tree below the constraints: it will therefore remain at the bottom of the tree

I found a way to reassemble the esq after creating a plane in the tree, but I would like to modify my B template once and for all! and I can't do it...

Do you know what is the parameter that allows the assembly sketch to be placed in the tree above or below the constraints?

Thank you.


Hello @Lise

you create a constraint  reference ==>

  1. Inserting > Reference Geometry > Constraint Reference.
  2. You select your sketch (which remains desperately) at the bottom from there: you can drag it just below the constraint reference.
  3. In fact, you just have to create an object that automatically places itself above the first part or your first subset so that afterwards you can insert your sketch just under this object (here the constraint reference).
  4. All the sketches that you will create that will naturally place at the bottom but  you can move  them with your hand behind your constraint reference. This is not done automatically) But once moved it remains in the same place

Take a test and tell us if it suits your needs

Kind regards

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I think it depends on how the entity is created (plane/axis/point/etc):
- if created from the ref elements (plane/axis/origin) of the assembly, it is placed at the top of the tree (before the components);
- If created from elements external to the ASM, it is put at the bottom after the other functions of the ASM and therefore under constraints.

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