I perform a CFD calculation using solid/solid interfaces under Flow Simulation.
Under local initial conditions, I imposed a temperature Ta on a solid A in contact with a solid B.
Solid B has its initial temperature set by default in the general parameters of the study.
The study is transitory. The variation in initial temperatures is significant between the two solids
My problem lies at the interface:
Node A (solid A) - - - Common interface node (solid A/B) - - - Node B (solid B)
At t=0, the software calculates the temperature of the common interface node as a function of the initial temperatures of the two solids.
So I have a temperature gradiant at the interface before starting the transient resolution.
The temperature radiant is proportional to the size of the mesh elements.
This temperature gradiant therefore distorts my transient calculation.
My question: How to impose a wall temperature on the common nodes of the solid interface?
Attached is an image illustrating the gradiant according to the size of the mesh elements.
Thank you for your attention.