How to link configurations of multiple parts together in an assembly

Hi everyone, I'm running out of ideas for linking part configurations in an assembly.
Example: in an XXX assembly if part A is in config 01 then part B automatically takes config 01.
If I can avoid going through a family of parts it's better, the idea is not to go as far as a DriveWorks either. Maybe via equations, but I don't know the syntax for that.
If you have any ideas... I'm a taker.
Thank you all.

Hello and welcome;

In my opinion, it would be wiser to go through a family of parts managed in Excel or via the publisher configuration.
For equations, Solidworks will struggle to handle a lot of different variables...
Other users know a lot more about managing equations in assemblies than I do.

Kind regards.


For my part, I will make all my subassemblies flexible and create derived configurations with different constraints

Why not create configurations in the assembly? The configuration of the parts is linked to the configuration of the assembly.

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Thank you for your feedback, I have a lot of part configs to manage so the idea of creating all the possible assembly configurations and then making my choice is too much. I'm looking at the publisher solution but it's not going to be complete enough for me. I think I have no choice but to go back to an edition of the family of pieces.


I was thinking of the same solution as @Konti but if it's too tedious for your case, and your naming and associating logic of your configurations is constant (always link 01 with 01, link 02 with 02...) I think that a macro to automate these links can help you a lot.


The macro seems to me to be a good idea.

If you go through the component tree to see the configurations and if A is config 01 it can put B in config 01 etc ...
On the other hand, you need a perfect configuration name... Or open a pop-up to rate or select the configuration you want. but here they exceed my skills in VBA.