How to control the orientation of a swept profile following a curved 3D sketch

Hello, I want to make a scan of several circles following a curved 3D sketch while conceding their starting orientation. The objective is to have round guides that follow a curve and pass through drilled plates. My problem is that the orientation of my profile changes along the swipe when I would like to keep the same orientation. Attached is an image that explains my problem.

If anyone has an idea, thank you in advance


Good evening

If I understood correctly, it's your plate that is the reference. You would like your 6 curved rods to pass  exactly through the plate. Whereas here they are off the mark if I dare say so.

The little I see shows that your frames of reference are not the same between the guides of the bent wires and the frame of reference that fixes the plates. You need intermediate sketches to fix your 3D guide curves. I think the PB comes from there.

There is also a problem probably in your 3D curve when you go from a vertical movement (down then up then down and turn to the right when going up). In addition, your intermediate  plates are not fixed correctly on a plane correctly oriented in relation to the natural curve.

If you want help, we should see how you proceeded to draw your guide curves

Can you post your ASM (with either File ==> composition to go, or File ==> Pack and go depending on your SW version). You can also post images of your 3D curve to confirm or deny my pre-diagnosis.

You should tell us if your plates are fixed on a frame or only fixed on the cables (tubes, ????) and if they are floating when the cables move.



for me the simplest and safest, I think at first glance

that it is preferable once all the cable bushings are well positioned

to create a polygon by cable passage via boss surface while being normal to the profile

convert all edges into a 3D sketch

This will keep the same spacing between the cables

and do a cable sweep

See attached image

attached file SW 2017

@+ ;-)

But it is also possible to do things differently





So there hat (and even very big hat) because it's very clever to go through the surface and use after the edges of the polygonal shape to attach the 3D splines.

By discovering over the course of the discussions how you work, it allows me to see how the use of the surface offers possibilities that are often simpler and especially in the case of complex shapes to have smoothing worthy of the name.

If I had the time I would put on the surface in any case what you propose encourages to go in this direction. However it's disgusting to make your little friends drool with things that make you want to  thank you gt22 ;-)



You can also add small linear portions at the beginning, at the end and at each intersection with your plates this allows you to "straighten your sweep, or even to do it in several small sections easier to master.

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For having made this kind of wire ducting, the solution is to do independent sweeping. And even more so if you have to turn your box 90° or + in the wire chute.

After for the tip of @gt22 , pretty nice!

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Thank you all for your help and responsiveness. 



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