How to flatten an imported 3d sketch?

Hello, I've been trying in vain for two days to flatten an imported curved DXF sketch. Can you help me? =)



"Flattening a sketch dxf... "
Is this the goal: to generate a surface based on the curve, and to flatten it?
Which version of SolidWorks are you using?


I use solidworks 2020.Yes I am looking to create a surface of this imported shape and lay it flat, and not just make a projection. I think you have to be able to sketch it in order to be able to create a surface, create a plane and lay it out nn? But I can't do it and I'm not familiar with this software.

I'm not comfortable with solidworks but I have notions of creating 3D parts having worked on other equivalent software.




The stages of creation...

Step 1: create a 3D sketch and use the "Convert entities" function to make a copy of the curve as a spline. Interest: to show the points that allowed the generation of the curve, much more visible on the spline.
Steps 2 to 5: create 4 3D sketches each containing a spline curve corresponding to each section of the wheel arch, using the spline points from the previous step.
Step 6: create a surface based on the 4 splines by the "Surface-Smoothing" function using two profiles (yellow and red), and two guide curves (orange and turquoise).
Step 7: Flatten the surface with the "Insert", "Surface", "Flatten" function.
The result is not perfect, the tortured shapes of the wheel arch (after an accident?) make it difficult to generate the surface... I had to simplify the guide curves by limiting them to line segments.

Image and part file are in the attached zip.

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At the top I'm going to look at it! Thank you for the very detailed and quick response