How do you put a spokesman?

Hello everyone, I would like to put a 0.8 radius between the two parts  on the yellow edge (see attachment) the problem is that the parts do not touch.. I would like to know if there would be a possibility with the function fillet: radius from faces to be able to make this radius. Thank you in advance.



To make a leave, it seems to me that the 2 sides must be on the same body.

Trying to connect these 2 bodies

Or swipe according to the profile that would create this leave.


Indeed, it must be one and the same body. (Which seems logical though, from a physical point of view)


As Frédéric suggests, it seems easier to me to make this ray via the sweep you have already created to make your shape




I agree with them, the only solution is to create a profile on one face at the end and which touches the 2 bodies (see example profile attachment) then in a 3D sketch you click convert the entities and choose one of the edges of one of the 2 existing bodies which will serve as a trajectory.

You do a swipe function by selecting your profile and your trajectory and that's it


Have a nice day.




I agree with them, the only solution is to create a profile on one face at the end and which touches the 2 bodies (see example profile attachment) then in a 3D sketch you click convert the entities and choose one of the edges of one of the 2 existing bodies which will serve as a trajectory.

You do a swipe function by selecting your profile and your trajectory and that's it


Have a nice day.

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One more solution is to create a new part (or new body) that is still in scanning.


If you don't want it to appear in a BOM, right-click on the part, "Properties" and "Exclude from BOM".


Thank you all for your answers, here is the result.

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