How do you put a sketch text make a family of pieces?

Hello, I would like to make a family of parts with the only modification being the sketch text but usable in a library function. (I tried by linking the text with the name of the configuration but when I drag it into another room depending on the library it takes the name of the configuration of the new room). THE only solution to find is to make functions with a different text each time but it's very long to do by hand when you have 70 configurations.


Just to enlighten us on a possible solution! Can we know what you are used for? unless it is to do engraving on cutting or laser engraving.


While waiting for my little friends to give you as usual a great solution, here is what your post inspired me.


For example : a bolt is a body that is put in a bookcase and that can be inserted wherever you want.

In the same spirit,  you make a body which is a rectangular parallelepiped and on which you engrave your text. You put this body in your library.


Then you insert your object into your ASM.

For a piece since you can't insert anything into it: you have to start from the library piece but only get the sketch of it. The easiest way in this case would be to create blocks and call them back when needed. The advantage of blocks is that they are easy to control since they are finished objects. When you insert them, the sketches that make it up do not deform, unlike a direct sketch insertion that will go in all directions

On the other hand, what escapes me are the conditions for updating the texts. For the ASM no problem on the other hand for a part it does not seem possible to me except by putting using blocks in the library as suggested above.

If you give us more information, we will surely have more relevant proposals.

Kind regards

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This is useful for references on power jets (PJ) here they are simple but I would like to create a library of power jets for various media that I use often but never identitic.  I need the encryption to modify and I would like there to be only one function that manages everything via an excel table preferably but I can't do it with the text sketch

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Hello Alexandre

Thank you for the additional explanation and especially the attachment; It is now much clearer.

Surely with macros it must be possible, but I have no skills in this field to confirm it to you.

I'm handing over to the costy maouss of macros ;-)

Kind regards


You have to link the text function to a custom properties and from there  you can manage them via the excel file.


I made a little tutorial in the ZIP folder with a part in Solidworks 2016

Thank you very much, it helped me a lot but only half unfortunately.. I want to use it in a library function and from there when I select my function and insert it it loses the information of the text it had and displays me ( $ERREUREVAL$) is it possible to block the sketch or that it is still referring to the library file?

Which version are you on and can you share your files to test...

I'm under 2013, does it come from there? 

Here's my Library file, 


Have you deleted your excel file by right-clicking on it then delete/delete then then you go to insert==>table==>family of parts and there you recreate it automatically and there will be the column that manages the sketch of your numbers and there should be no more problem $ERREUREVAL$.

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