I'm a beginner on SolidWorks and I'd like to model a cable from one point to another and see the maximum distance there can be between these two points before the cable breaks under the action of weight. In short, I know everything about the cable (its resistance to breakage, its diameter, the tension force at each point, its linear mass, etc.). So I hope you understood me!!
Since you are a beginner, start by drawing your cable using a tutorial.
If you can already reproduce the same cable exactly, you will have taken a big step forward. And then there's cable and cable and I'd even say cable. A cable car cable or a ski lift cable is already not the same thing. In addition, the carrying cable is not the same as the traction cable. This also applies to pure traction ropes such as slings or winch cables.
After that, if you want to do simulation, if you don't have a PRO simulation version, then you won't be able to do it because these are not static charges. We have to take into account the natural frequencies etc... moreover, the cables are changed more by wear and tear than by the effects of pure traction alone.
Be aware that simulation software is specialized software that is "trèstrescherware". To make a simple zip line, look at the GHTyro 2.00 software, it will already give you an idea of the subject.
On top of that, doing simulation cannot be improvised, even if it looks nice in a report: you need to have a solid training just on simulation to be able to do almost what you want. It is not for nothing that the people who do simulation are very specialized specialists in the subject in companies.
Indeed it's a cable car potter but I thought I would neglect its particularities at first. Indeed I am a student and I want to use solidworks (of which I have a free version for students) in my TIPE. How can I ^get this tutorial?