How to no longer have shadows in a rendering with photoview360?


I have to do ''real rendering'' with solidworks 2016 and photoview360. I don't want shade or ground or on my machine for rendering.

In Scene, Light and Cameras, and right-click on Stage I unchecked Add Appearance to the Ground and Shadow from the Ground

In Scene, edit the scene. I unchecked Shadows from the ground

In photoview360 lights, I turned on directional lights 1 and 2

But I still have shadows on the machine.

I suspect that it's the directional lights that make the shadows. Is there a setting (to check or uncheck) to no longer have these shadows?

If not, do you have any ideas to light faces without having shadows?

Kind regards

Hello, an actual render without shadows is no longer real.

To reduce the shadows cast, you need to have a light source from the front, as wide and homogeneous as possible. A kind of "white day", to use a photo term.

You can try to go through "Trial" to orient your environment and choose the position of the shadows.


Have you disabled shadows in the general display options:

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Maybe I have found a suitable solution.

Display menu> Lights and Cameras > Properties > Directional (repeat for each directional)

"PhotoView 360" tab, check "Enabled in PhotoView 360" and uncheck "Shadows".

Maybe there should still be diffuse shadows but more marked cast shadows.

Shadow projection on the ground is also disabled in the images below.


