How do I optimize editing time for a 10 MB file? Catia V5

Hello everyone,


I work for an engineering firm and I'm starting out on Catia. I was given a file of about 10mb that takes a HUGE time to apply each of the changes and to save. I wanted to know if any of you would have a solution to decrease this editing time because it's really a problem. I can't make 2 edits in a row without waiting 20 minutes. I would like to provide you with the file, but it must remain confidential.

Thank you all! :)


I am not a Catia user.

But I'm surprised that a 10MB file is enough to make this software lag.

Isn't it the configuration of your pc that is largely insufficient?

Hi remrem, thanks for answering me!

No, we have very good PCs. The problem is that it's only this file that makes the software crawl. I wonder if the designer may have used too many functions to create the part because the creation tree is inordinately large. In your opinion, is this a plausible cause?


Thank you!

Yes, definitely.

But once again I am not a referent opinion.

Perfect, I'll see what other users have to advise me.


Thank you very much for your help! :)

But there is no reason for it.

Lynkoa is made for this...


By chance, what are the dimensions (maximum envelope) of the part/assembly? 

Are there any hidden functions? And what about the surface?

Are there also relationships? (equations, vb, ...)  

All of these points can make the rebuild time considerably higher!

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Hi Aurélien, thank you for trying to help me!


Could you guide me to check if my piece contains the elements you mention please?


The dimensions are 31 inches x 57 inches x 3 inches thick

So first of all, it doesn't come from the dimensions of the room.

Then, the parameters are found as in this example image: 

In the image below, we can see the  equations (formulas):

A piece in surface features the logo below:

Hoping to be able to help you ...


Thank you very much for your help, it's really appreciated!


I have almost no surface. I really think that the problem comes from the one who framed it. There are 5-6 mirrors in a row and a lot of cutting. Here are screenshots of the functions and the parts and maybe you could tell me about your observations! I'm far from having screenshot all the functions, there are a lot of them. In your opinion, are there too many?

Is your goal to use the file as is or modify it?

To modify it, that's what takes 20++ minutes each time the diameter of the holes is changed, etc. It makes the job impossible but we don't know the cause of these delays...

And maybe try this as well:

This is the CATDUA utility present in CATIA

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Yes, it's for deadlinks. We have already tried it and no improvements.

Well to find out if it comes from the functions used, a simple try -> "Save as" then change the name of the part, then delete all the shady functions and see if it lightens the file.

I'm not saying that it's a solution to solve the problem but to identify it

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It's a good idea, however since I'm not the modeler I don't know the file. Can you see any of the screenshots?


P.S I deleted the screenshot of the room for safety reasons

Well, I'll say the "cut-out", "hem", "sausage" and "mirror" functions, but there won't be much left after that.... Take the test ;)!

It seems to me that these functions, except "mirror", are specific to the CATIA Sheet Metal module.

Do you make your modifications in the sheet metal workshop?

Yes indeed, by the way, thank you very much for your help, I really appreciate that you devote so much time to me! :)

Thank you but I'm trying my best :), I used Catia during my studies and I don't have the software in front of me anymore!


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Finally we decided to redo the CAD of the part. She was too "gosser" as a good Quebecer. Since we had a weight and rigidity balance, there was a lot of trial and error, so the functions accumulated very quickly. Thank you very much for your help, we look forward to using your help again! Not too much though, otherwise my boss will take me for an incompetent!

A+ :)

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