How to share a custom material library with colleagues


We are a design office of 3 people each with a Solidworks license, 

Within this office, there is a PC that has a personalized library of very complete subjects, we would like to share it with the other 2 computers

Is this possible?

Wishing you a good reception and a good day.


See this linkélisation-volumique/exporter-importer-bibliothèque-de-matériaux-personnalisé





Yes, as @gt22 rightly says, there has already been a similar subject covered.

You have to add in the general options of the other 2 stations the folder where the sldmat file to share is located. It will then appear in your list of materials.

Kind regards



In order for the material library to be visible to everyone, it must be put on a network folder so that everyone can access it, with the latest updates.

As jmsavoyat specified, you have to point in the right location. 



Personally I don't like to point to a network file, too much latency and anyone can modify  the file with its share of errors.

I made an executable in order to copy our solidworks parameter files (material, design library.....) locally applicable  to the start of the workstation.




Hello, @yannick.petit

There is a simple solution, share on the network the folder containing all the SW reference documents (Model, material...), then you just have to manage the sharing of the said folder according to the users.

They must be granted the right to read for all, and to write for those who have the right to modify and add elements.

With us, BE and BMI have full access, interns and apprentices have access only to reading.

It works very well.

On the other hand for the latency... Wired network in 1GB/sec and avoid WiFi.

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Hello aariaud,

I am very interested in your proposal, it is exactly what we need, but how do we put this matter file in the common server?

Have a nice day.

  Hello a.eriaud,

That's what I said in my first post.

Put the files  on a  network folder. Hover over it by setting the solidwors options.

Of course, you must have access  to the sharing folder and write rights to the folder.

What I added in my second post is the fact of repatriating the files locally via a script  that would copy from the network folder to the local folder the solidworks parameter files. 

This avoids false manipulations by the various users  if unwanted modifications or others and  makes the operation of solidworks more fluid.


After all, everyone has their own way of working. 






You have to go to the solidworks options 

Option/System Option/File Location/Material Databases

Click on Add-> select the network folder


No worries about getting it back but putting the material  file in the network?


Or do we get it back?

Look where your material base file is currently pointing.

Look in

Option/System Option/File Location/Material Databases

You will then see which folder your material base is in –

Retrieve the .sldmat  file   and put it on an existing   network folder in your company.




Okay, I understood thank you!!

It's great:), we also have another mode of operation which is in // of the one exposed in my previous post.

In short:

1 - You put all your data common to SW (as mentioned above) in a folder on the server.

2-You set the sharing options correctly

3-On Fixed Workstations: SW folder option that points to the network folder

4-On mobile workstations (laptops), in Windows File Explorer, you connect a network drive that points to the server folder with the "available offline" option and finally you point to the SW options on the freshly connected drive.

This has two big advantages for outdoor work, you can print an SW license (or you have it on your computer) and you can work with all the useful data. When you return to the site, Windows takes care of updating the content of the drive.

It's almost magical, I have several employees who work like this and they are satisfied with it.

Have a good weekend everyone.