How can you open a SW file from 2013 in 2016-2017


I would have liked to know how to for example open a solidworks  part created with the 2013 version on the 2016-2017 version?

Thank you

Simply by opening your room and leveling it up

but the reverse is impossible




Simply open file.

It is possible to open files in the original version but almost never the future versions (that's another SP5........ topic).

So open from 2013 with 2016-2017 no problem.

may the force be with you.




Thank you



I'm glad your problem is solved. But who solved it and how ? What is the best solution for you ? If I read the post correctly, you will solve it yourself since you have given the best answer. So please explain how you did it in order to help other members who will have the same problem because "  thank you " is not a solution.

May the force be with you.


Your answer is by no means a better answer 

I beg you to change it

There are 2 of us who gave you the answer to your problem

Imagine that another person reads this answer as better via the same question asked, will he have the solution............ NO

which of + is it earns points for the best designated answer if it's not the poster's

so you have nothing to gain

I put you too -1

@+ ;-(