How do I add a column for the part configuration name of an assembly in a BOM customized for BOM by excel?

Hello, I've been digging into the nomenclatures by Excel for a little while and I'm coming up against a problem. When in an assembly I have the same part several times but with different configurations, the BOM by Excel groups all the profiles in a single line (This problem does not exist with a classic SW BOM, it separates the configurations well).

The problem comes from the way I call the configuration, on the classic SW BOM I can directly take the name of the configuration while by the BOM by Excel I didn't manage to call it directly (I guess I should be able to include the $PRPSHEET function: {SW-Configuration Name} in the excel name manager but it doesn't want to take it), so I go through a custom property which, suddenly, is the same for all occurrences...

So my question is: can we indicate the name of the current configuration of the parts of the assembly in a custom BOM to separate them into different lines without going through a custom property?

Attached is my current BOM which will look for the custom "configuration" property of each room.

Thank you in advance for your feedback.


How do you generate your nomenclature?
Do you have MyCadTools?

No, in the Drawing I do insert/table/nomenclature in excel format and I choose the custom BOM I want (for this example the one of the profiles, attached).


Maybe ditch Excel and use the Solidworks BOM. It's much more ergonomic and you can reassemble just about anything you want as a SW property or custom property.

Excel was good under SW 1998...


Agree with @froussel  SW nomenclature and eventually you then export it to an excle file (which smartbom does natively from an assembly)


I started studying Excel BOMs because of the problems that classic SW BOMs have , Excel BOMs have this very big problem unfortunately, but solve almost all the problems that SW BOMs have . If I manage to solve this problem my bill of materials will be perfect, but if I put back a SW bill of materials I will have to solve the other problems for example:

We can't filter, the solution found is to sort by order of assembly and to split but it works very badly, it requires manual work subject to error and especially if we have the misfortune to delete a part we have to redo everything because the cells shift and skip the splitting (the lines therefore change nomenclature and in my case sheet) and if we cancel the deletion the line is found at the end and no longer follows the assembly order...  If, on the contrary, you want to add more, then they are also put at the end, so you still have to redo everything to find the assembly order...

The SW nomenclature is a pain to work on, not at all ergonomic, at least in my case because I want to be able to display only a part of the nomenclature spread over several sheets (a profiled nomenclature sheet, another wood nomenclature and a last sheet metal nomenclature and delete the rest).

These types of parts are distributed in folders inside the tree, wouldn't there be a way to make a nomenclature per folder? Who doesn't look at the other pieces? (without doing any configuration, just tell it to take only the parts of the file and automatically add the new parts that we would slip in).

Kind regards

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After giving up the search 4 days ago, I found the solution today by chance:

In the custom properties form, you have to put the name of the configuration in the "configuration-specific" tab and not in the "customize" tab and name each of the configurations with the form. By doing this, the Excel nomenclature detects a name of different configuration and therefore separates the parts according to their configurations, which solves all my problems and answers my initial question (See box in red of the attachment).

Thanks anyway to those who looked!
