How to make the negative of a structure


We would like to fill in the inside of the part as an attachment and then dissociate it from the outside, so that we can export it into our electromagnetic simulation software.

Thank you in advance,




I suggest you use the "Combine" function, of which here is a very simple tutorial:

Basically, you create a solid body that has the outer shape of your part, you align the two pieces with each other and you use the "Subtract" option of the "Combine" function.

I hope I have been able to be useful to you.


Everything has been said!


+1 Joss

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Thanks Joss but I have the impression that the "combine" function only applies to sheet metal parts, right?

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No, I tested the function on volume before answering you to be sure to be on the subject;) It works with volume bodies without problems!



@ Joss's response is very good 

You create a body with the same external volume as your existing volume

you insert it in coincidence with the first body (if of course you record it as a room)

A Boolean Master Kidnapping operation from your first room

You'll end up with the volume of your room void

Here you have all the data

a ta to play

+1 @ Joss

@+ ;-))



Indeed the combiner function is the best solution, I work under Inventor but the functions must be approximately identical.

There are three basic functions in extrusions:

    the bump that adds material.

    subtraction, which allows material to be removed.

    combining it which allows you to keep the different parts between two pieces (the voids formed by its two pieces).


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I think the imprint function of the molding  option is a good fit.

Thank you Joss,

I had a lot of trouble because in fact it is necessary to make a body with dimensions larger than the part to be treated to obtain the "combine" function with the ungrayed out icon.

Have a nice day

