How do I make a circular repeat on a rolled sheet in Generative sheet metal design?

Using the Generative Shape Metal Design Module, by drawing a rolled plate of a certain arc and height, how can you make a circular repetition of an oblong in order to obtain a part as in the attached image, and be able to unfold it flat for laser cutting? I can't duplicate my oblongs on my rolled plate in relation to its axis.

I proceeded the other way around starting from the unfolded part, making my oblong cuts, but when I roll my plate, at the junction of my sheet metal, the oblongs no longer have the same dimensions.

The images correspond to a part made with Part Design where the circular repetition with respect to the axis works


Thank you in advance


I can't test, I don't have access to the SMD license for the moment but you can maybe try a "recognition" of the PartDesign part under SMD and then see what the unfolded looks like.


since SolidWorks and catia are very close, there may be a way to proceed in the same way.

-1 Make the cylinder on 359.9° to be able to unfold it afterwards.

- convert to sheet metal.

- add an unfold function (and not the global unfolded)

- add an oblong and make it repeated by filling it on a larger surface than the unfolded sheet in order to have the oblong at the level of the weld.

- and finish with a collapse function.

If necessary I will add screenshots (under SW of course)

Hoping this gives you an idea where to look under Catia, based on the principle that if SW can do it Catia too, on the other hand the opposite is not true^^





Thank you for your answer, but which reference face should I select for recognition on my cylinder?

I've already tried selecting a face but m indicates that the thickness is different from the set thickness....

Why does the circular repeating in SMD on a rolled plate with respect to the axis of the cylinder give this (image attached)?

[ HS ON]

Under Solidworks with the coiled function it's finger in the noze. On the other hand I haven't tested the flattening

Yes! All right!

but I don't know if the debossed coiled function exists under CATIA


@ECPRO it looks like the "instance alignment" option under Part design (the "plus" button at the bottom right in the circular repeat window).

There is still no license available.

I had also thought about the coiled but it was "how to manage the repetition of the oblong" and the tests a few days ago on the coiled function, I have doubts about the result.

The hardest / tricky thing is to make sure that at the level of the weld we fall back on the pattern.

Here I did it again with a classic vertical horizontal repetition because it's not a constant spacing on the 2 axes unlike the area filling.




Thank you. I think I've already done what you explain to me. But when you fold up at the junction of your sheet metal, your oblong is either + small or bigger than the others...




I'll try your answer right away...



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When you do a circular repetition you have a crown-type distribution, each instance is at the same angle or a fraction of the arc of a circle.

When you do the linear repeat, you have to make CATIA calculate the distance between each instance according to the length of the unfolded.

In the example I position the oblong centered on the first edge , CATIA measures the length and based on the number of seats, the last instance will also be centered on the last edge.


ab ba here is something that justifies the + of catia, the automatic calculation of the gap :) Otherwise you have to take a paper and a calculator^^

All that remains is to manage the repetition on the height and offset of Franck and it must be resolved^^

And all with an answer on 2 different software.


Thank you all for your answers

Franck, your solution must work perfectly flat in SDM with Space&Length, I just have to extend as much as possible in the 2 directions to cover my flat press... I test right away

There you go...

Thank you again... Good luck to you

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