How to make a Rectangular Hopper to Ellipse ( Small Challenges ^^)


I'm facing a problem at work, I have to make a hopper/transformation rectangle to ellipse, and of course to complicate the thing a little I have to do this in sheet metal in order to get the DXF development for the plasma machine

I have attached a copy of the plan to you. For the moment I am only on the hopper which has a height of 110mm.
And I have to draw it in 2 pieces, cut at the level of the B-B cut

I tried several methods:
- a smoothed boss/base to then make a conversion to sheet metal but solidworks refuses to do the boss.
- And a "transition fold" in sheet metal but doesn't work too because it refuses to take my ellipse, the software wants a line or an arc.

In short, do you have any tips please so that I can make this piece? :mrgreen:

Thank you in advance

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Have you tried to break down your ellipse with segments, so that the transistion fold function works?

Edit: a priori the "transition fold" function accepts ellipses, as shown here (ellipse to round):

Are you sure you're using it correctly?

See these tutorials (a priori you can select two sketches instead of lines or arcs):




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yes he refuses,

look on the attached file.

I am obliged to draw several arcs


As mentioned in the thread below, this is impossible!

You have to create several segments or several arcs of a circle that are as close as possible to the ellipse as I had suggested at the beginning:



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Can you post your piece with the 2 sketches so that I can see and test???

Maybe by generating the ellipse via a construction (cylinder/plane intersection) rather than by the ellipse function


Have you tried to go to surface, I know not obvious and very long.

Good luck


We've been doing this kind of part for a long time and with the transition crease feature it's super simple to draw. See the PJ. Hoping to have answered the question.



Hello TicTic,

Your sketch 1 forms an elipse with 3 segments and 2 arcs?

Hello cobra.

If you wish on my 1st post there is the PDF of the plan.

In the end I succeeded but the result is not "crazy". I cut the hopper into 4 pieces, and I need a thickness of 6mm but the two biggest pieces I can't manage, I can go up to 4mm exactly.

Otherwise for the ellipe I put 12 arcs instead, and I'm not far from the final result. I have small bugs in the corners, but I have the development of all my parts.

I'll put you a PDF of the final result.

If you have optimization sugestions I take :)

Thank you.

Edit: I had a bug I didn't have your answers on the screen.

Thank you Tic Tic for the tutorial I'll try.

Otherwise switch to surface I don't know, I've never used, I don't know how to use it^^

Thank you for your answers


What version of Solisworks are you on????

2016 SP3 Cobra

In Transition Folds you should select Broken or Formed?

Because finally I end up with both but the developments I get have nothing to do between the two :/


Yes, my sketch consists of 3 small segements and 2 eclipses.

What you need to understand with the transition fold function is that each of the 2 sketches must include the same number of sketch entities. On my first sketch I have 2 elipses and 3 segments and on my second sketch, I have 3 segments and 2 leaves so 5 entities on each.

That's why you can't make a transition fold between a semicircle (1 entity) and a half rectangle (3 entities) and you have to cheat a little with small segments  

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