How do you fill holes on a cylindrical part?

Hello, I want to fill holes on a cylindrical part, these holes are made on a flat face and overflow on a 3D plane




You have to make an extrusion from the back side (or the bottom of the hole if it is not through) and choose as the end condition "to the surface". I think you can choose several surfaces.

Otherwise, you will have to do several extrusions (3 for the 3 end surfaces).


It is also possible to fill them in by Insert/Faces/Delete


Or if you have the command manager: Direct Edit/Delete Face.


You select the faces related to the holes (cylinder + possible chamfers and blind drilling bottom) and choose the 2nd option "Remove and fill in discontinuities".

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Since your part is an imported body, you can try running feature recognition (FeatureWorks) to recreate them and change the condition for completing the holes.

Kind regards


With the extrusion tool it's a good start, thank you Mr.LUCAS.


For the ''delete face'' tool, SW informs me that the faces could not be filled in due to the geometry.


I can't find the Works feature tool, Version 2014 SW


Kind regards


Create a stitched surface with the 3 end sides and then make an extrusion "I to the face" by selecting your created surface


Right-clicking on the imported surface should bring up the FeatureWorks menu, only for the SolidWorks Professional or SolidWorks Premium versions .


Tutorial available here:


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To view FeatureWorks, right-click the customize menu in the Feature Manager (left pane). But given your piece, he will certainly have trouble recognizing everything...


To remove the faces, you have to select all the faces related to the "hole" and select the 2nd or 3rd option.

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Thank you for your help, my play is finished as I wished.

Kind regards




I'm a little late, but there is also the solution of:

make a plane passing through the axis of the hole and through the central axis of the cylinder.

And to make a form of revolution from this plane by taking the center of the cylinder as the axis and the contours of the hole as the form.

Of course, the revolution must be limited.