How to Recover a Volume Variable on SW2013?


Does anyone have a solution to integrate in a BOM a column indicating the volumes of PRT and ASM (visible in the mass properties)?

When I do the manipulation in a BOM by integrating the variable: SW_volume, only a few components are filled in but the others remain empty. However, I can see this info for each of the components in the mass properties tab.

See the PJ to understand my problem.

Thank you for your help.


Is it possible to check if it is not in the light rooms that the volume does not come out


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I think just like @gt22 that we should "set the parts to solved".

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Thank you for the responsiveness but unfortunately even in solved it doesn't solve my pb.

Your volume variable is the same as the weight of your parts

can you have the weight of your parts by having previously defined the material of course

and create a mass column

@+ ;-))

And what does it say in the personalized properties of each room if you make one?

"Your volume variable is the same as the weight of your parts

can you have the weight of your parts by having previously defined the material of course

and create a mass column"

-> In fact this is the source of my problem, it is true that I did not set the context. My goal is to output the SW nomenclature on Excel to be able to process it, I need the mass value (or weight, everything can be calculated). Except that the latter has been entered in g or kg randomly depending on the part, and treating them on a case-by-case basis would be too long.

My solution would therefore be to recover a volume and multiply it by a density (same material on most parts).


"And what does it say in the custom properties of each room if you make one?"

-> For a room without volume, it gives the image in PJ




Wouldn't it be a configuration problem?

Does the configuration displayed in the plan have a configuration-specific property?

No, there is only one configuration for all parts/assemblies.

On the other hand, I notice that if I go to mass property, I have access to a value for the volume, and this for ALL my parts and assemblies (cf PJ)

In absolute terms, if I could retrieve this value in my nomenclature, my problem would be solved.


But volume is not in the properties of each room?


Look in the custom properties of your room:

Property name: RECUP-MASSE
Value: Drop-down list: Mass

In the nomenclature, "RECUP-MASSE" column

Does it work?

@ BATCH123:

Of course it works, it's the first idea that came to my mind but as I said above, I have parts that have been created in different units of mass and so if I proceed as you suggest, I will get values but they won't all be of the same unit (g, kg ) and therefore unusable. This is the reason why I thought of recovering the volume variable (which is always in mm3) from the nomenclature. Once my volume is recovered in excel I just have to make a macro that will calculate my weights.

Another solution would be to modify the units of mass of each PRT or ASM but I let you imagine the working time (impossible because I have about 52,000 files to process!)

Otherwise, does anyone know of a software that allows you to apply changes to properties (and therefore units in my case) in bulk on a large number of files (such as Axemble's batch Properties)?

Thank you


And why since you go through execel

Do not create a column in with a condition if kg =kg copies the checkbox

if gram / 1000 

and you will find everything in the same unity 


For the record, I had the same mass problem that disappeared. The reason..... Only 1 part was not filled in correctly in its config.

I was lucky it was ASS 20 pieces, so when I bind 52,000..... I would say my condolences because I did not find a solution that brought out the defective part, and I had to open the rooms one by one.

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@gt22: Indeed it would be a viable solution to process my nomenclature in one go, and it would be quite simple to process.

But I can't get the unit in a column of my nomenclature (the corresponding column remains empty.


@Gerald: Given the number of files to be processed, I prefer to exclude this possibility which would be extremely long to set up.

I am not convinced that the best answer is the one that says

I don't understand if you transfer your nomenclature to excel you have the value and unit of mass 

Yes or no

A screenshot would be essential to me

so if you have this unit of mass with the corresponding number

what's stopping you from creating another column

with a function to convert this unit 

or if kilo you don't change anything

or if gram you divide / 1000

It seems quite easy to do it in Excel, doesn't it?


Indeed for the "best answer", it is a false manipulation, which I can't remove. If anyone knows the trick...


As the attached screen shows, I can't get any unit values in my nomenclature, so I'm stuck. On the PJ you can see the two fields of the drop-down list that I find relevant to retrieve the unit of mass, the columns are entirely empty...

But your solution would be perfect for me and simple to do on Excel indeed.


and on your SW nomenclature a copy please before excel transfer

to modify the best answer you have to ask the CM 

See this link

@+ ;-))

See these links for Unit of Mass in Solidworks

and also

@+ ;-))

@gt22: Thank you², I'll see if it can solve my problem and I'll get back to you.

But I must therefore understand that the Volume value that I can see in Mass Property does not correspond to any recoverable value on the BOM? If this value is displayed, it must exist somewhere, right?


Attached is also a screen of the bill of materials before transfer excel in response to your request.

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