How do I fill in lettering created in the drawing room?


I make a plate that must be screen-printed.

I created a lettering that I transformed into a surface and made it appear in the attached example drawing.

I would like to fill in the lettering in black in order to send the pdf to a screen printer, is it possible?

Ps I have already tried to fill in the letters with the paint can and it filled me the complete room.

Kind regards




You have to go to annotation ==> Hatched area and select "Plain" in the hatching types. 

Then you will just have to click in the letter you want to fill out






Have you tried filling the letters with plain type hatching?




Thanks, but as I said I've already tried the filling and it doesn't work it can't select the outline it takes the face

If it doesn't recognize the outline for the fill, it's probably because the contours are not closed.

First try changing the selection mode of the area to "Outline" and select your outline.

If it doesn't work, you'll have to go around the letter to find the place where the outline opening is

If it's possible, can you share your file so that I can see if it works on my side?



via image shadow it should work

See this link


Problem solved,

I extruded my letters (made on the surface before) and made a cut in the drawing because the surfaces were not recognized as outline.

ps Ludo.but the  letters were well closed and I had already tried the different modes of the fill function before posting ;)

Thank you for your answers

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WG 22

I had tried the shaded mode because my letters were black surfaces in the room but strangely enough that I was saving in pdf the filling no longer appeared...

Logically when you are configured like this (attachment) the cut parts should appear black and not achured



For my part, for this kind of thing I do with a separation line, the face delimited by this line allows to apply plain hatching without going through an extrusion or removal of material.

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