How do you fill a shell so that you can use it to subtract it from a room?


Do you have to create a plan that is offbeat to your room 

Create a sketch on this plane 

Convert the features around your room

create an extrusion to the surface with the idea that there is only one surface

here it is @+


Good evening

Extrusion to the body rather than to the surface;) and uncheck the fact of merging the result to have two distinct bodies


Hello GT22

That's the idea I had  and I did it in parallel but I didn't succeed because there are many drafts and "extrusion to the face" only works in one direction, the one at the bottom and not the bottom and walls.

I'd be really curious to see whoever will win the cup in an exercise like this :-)

Kind regards

@ Cyril F

if you do your extrusion to the part (the body) 

it will stop at the first part of the body

it seems to me ;-) To try 

@+ ;-)


if the drafts are correct for a 2 part male / female molding

it must work

it would take the part to see and test

@+ ;-)


 @ xavier.laurent 

Post your part for testing

Thank you


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if not another walkthrough 

via the analysis of the part since undercut (clip for bottle)

Create a solid block that fully integrates the part to be molded

insert the mold into this part via planes

make a combination removal of matire the common areas

then it is sufficient to separate the upper part from the lower part

@+ ;-)

Thanks to GT22 and Cyril

I managed to do it(phew)  see the attached model just hide everything that is in green and represents the original model

I had never done that before but by trying to reproduce the proposed solutions I managed to do it and  I'm learning  more :-)

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via combine subtract

SW 2017

@+ ;-)


Hi all

Thanks to gt22, the solution works.... (see attached capture and mold after subtraction))



Be careful there you merge the result

if the solution to the given problem solved the question

It's up to you to validate the answer by checking this answer to solve my problem

See this link

@+ ;-)

@gt22 : The function up to the body does not stop at the first face encountered. It propagates over the whole part from the moment the generated sketch crosses the model. Very useful for castings when SW refuses to pass a rib or certain functions without having to go through surface and Boolean operations.


@ cyril f and @ g

Exact function down to the body works

by old habit ;-(

I create surfaces and I work like that ;-)

@+ ;-)