How do you fill a surface room?


I would like to make my surface room a volume body to be able to do a floworks simulation but nothing works!

I tried the function fill the surface, sewn surface, restrict surface to check the option "try to form a volume" but nothing helps! I dropped the thicken function because you have to split each part and then thicken them one by one and for the assembly it's a hassle nothing coincides...

I try to project the silhouette of the piece onto the plane to try to extrude from these sketches but I don't know how to do it.

I have attached the part concerned, it is for a project, thank you in advance for your help!


You need to sew all your surfaces

that there are no more blue lines


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I would say that it is normal as long as all your surfaces are not sewn.

On the other hand, you have areas that do not coincide, such as the headlights, for example.

See the area in the attached image.

You have tried to retrace a curve on the edge of a surface, have earlier convert entity and cut what you are not interested in.


In any case I salute the work done, just correct the method let's say :)


I tried to sew as much surface as possible, here are the ones that break me problem.


Hello, thank you for your answers, I sewed all the sides with symmetry thanks to the sew function and it was not a problem. I don't understand what the blue lines represent? On the other hand, when I check the option "merge entities" and "try to form a solid" I get an error message that solidworks could not coordinate the surfaces...

How can I eliminate the blue lines if sewing them doesn't solve anything?


Thank you bcp for your help!! I tried to make a simpler model but which does not necessarily take up the main lines of the car just in case....  


Thanks again 

Before you do your symmetry 

sew all your surfaces well there should be 1 left

In your feature manager you have to see how many surfaces you have 

In Sew tool you have distance options that allow you to increase the tolerances 

You absolutely must no longer have blue lines



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Okay thank you both I'm going to try that today I'll keep you posted (;


Hello again, I tried but still impossible to create a volume despite having sewn all the surfaces into one (check in the feature manager). On the other hand, I don't see the blue lines as you say? And when I check discontinuity control in the sew the surface function I can't create the volume. Do I have to sew each of the surfaces 1 by one, I don't see the solution.


This is my first experience in surface on solidworks again thank you for your help!


For the solid to face itself, everything must be closed, i.e . create a surface underneath and only there can it propose to form a solid.

From a method point of view, don't try to make a surface with symmetry, make your half car that you transform into a solid and then do the symmetry it will be simpler I think, the surface pros will confirm that or not.

If there is only one surface left in the feature manager before symmetry, only the edges that are on the symmetry plane should remain in blue.
So create a flat surface on the plane of symmetry, connect this flat face with your half-shell. If there is no hole, it should form a volume. You will then be able to symmetrical the volume.

FYI, a blue line in a surface set indicates an unstitched edge.

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Hello, I couldn't solve the blue edges at the headlights and the front windscreen. I managed to eliminate the one behind by changing the geometry but the other 2 I can't !!

If anyone has an idea? Thank you for your help


The question is whether there is a hole or whether the surfaces intersect.
If there is a hole, the "easiest" way is to make a "filled surface" based on these edges.
If there is an intersection, a "mutual adjustment" must be made.