I use the make independent / make virtual function a lot during my design tracks.
I also use PDM.
The problem is that if I have for example two identical parts from PDM in an assembly, I can't virtualize a single one.
The idea is to start with a different design so copy this part in the assembly and then virtualize it on its own, but it virtualizes the base part for me too.
It's actually quite logical but do you know if there is a way to virtualize AND make independent ?
Making independent in the first place is not an option because it makes me register on PDM and I lose interest in virtual parts...
Thank you in advance if you have any leads!
Good evening
You can make externally registered components virtual when you insert them into an assembly.
In an existing assembly, click Insert Components (Assembly toolbar) or Insert > Component > Existing Part/Assembly.
In the PropertyManager, under Options, select Make Virtual.
Under Part/Assembly to Insert, select or browse to a component and click to place it in the graphics area.
The software warns you that making a component virtual breaks the link to the external file.
Click OK.
I totally agree, I use this method, but for the sake of speed I sometimes make 2-3 or even 4 copies of a set of parts to rework them, explore avenues, make a load simulation on each of them and compare, and that's where virtualization + make independent makes sense, It would save me from going to look for the documents in their respective files.
(although with the PDM search it is done quite quickly...)