How to Resolve Solidworks Open Error?

Hello everyone, here I need Solidworks to work but it doesn't want to open anymore because when you click on it it marks: "Microsoft visual Basic for application: impossible to load VBE6EXT,OLB'." so I'm coming to you to find out if anyone knows because now I'm desperate, I uninstalled it and then reinstalled it but it still doesn't work.

Thank you in advance Quentin Sales.

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Have you installed the Office Pack

SW only works with the Windaube Office Pack (EXELL)

and the version of the pack must be compatible with your solidworks version

@+ ;-)


Hello no I didn't buy the windows office pack but for all that solidworks has been working since the beginning of the school year and overnight it no longer works. Can you tell me which office pack to buy or download? And the version?because the version of my solidworks and the 2016-2017.

Thank you in advance Quentin.

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Do you have exell on your PC?

See this link

If you say that your PC worked well before, it's when before

In this case maybe system restore to an earlier date

@+ ;-)

In the systems required for the best functioning of solidworks there are word and exel but I don't have them as I don't have the office pack to use the solidworks 2017 version so maybe that's why solidworks doesn't work. So I'm downloading the office pack and I'll keep you posted. thank you in advance Quentin.

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Hello again it still doesn't work it's at the time of initializing the VBA engine that it doesn't want to start and it puts the error message.

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One last attempt...

You close all Microsoft Ofice applications.

Return the 'VBE6EXT file. OLB' in place in its original repertoire

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VBA\VBA6\


You'll try to change the permissions on this library directly from the Windows registry.


BE CAREFUL with handling the registry, there is no back-button


a ) Start button on the taskbar / Command: Run / you type: Regedit


b ) In the tree, you have to go back to this:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Typelib \ {0002E157-0000-0000-C000-00000000000046}

this: {0002E157-0000-0000-C000-0000000000046}  represents the "Guid" of the reference. On my computer, this is the 18th item in TypeLib


c) Before changing the permissions, you should export it. To do this, right-click on this line and in the context menu you choose the "Export" command. We will invite you to choose the directory and give a name for the conservation. You'll get a . Reg that you can use if needed to go back... by double-clicking on it.


d) To change the permissions, right-click / command: Permissions / you select: "Users" in the top window and in the bottom window, you tick under the "Allow" column, the "Full Control" box


e) You close the window with OK and you close the registry editor window.

f) Moment of truth, did this solve your problem?


I ended up renitializing my PC out of the factory because solidworks even after all the manipulations still didn't want to open so I reitialized it and there it works as before thank you anyway for your answers good continuations

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