How do you remove transparency from a part after simulation?

Once my simulation is finished, I find myself with my part which is transparent (see photo attached), how can I put it back in its original state? (when I go back to the "model" tab it is still transparent)


Hello, I don't remember having such a problem, how did you manage to have a transparent state in the simulation,? Isn't it the wired round that is activated by chance? , 

Thank you for your answer, I'm in wireframe rendering in the assembly, I was able to remove it by right-clicking on the assembly in the build tree => component display => default display
On the other hand, on my piece, do you know where it is?

In view >> view.





click View ==> View ==>  Shaded Edge mode

The other solution if you have to change your status often is to put mini icons in the workbar (I use this for the rendering mode in which I temporarily remove the edges)

Kind regards


I'm already there though?


What does it look like here, 


Ah great thank you very much!
"List of welded parts" was in wireframe
On the other hand, could you explain to me why when I change the display to a wireframe or shaded image like you or Zozo_mp have told me, it doesn't change anything to the display of my room?

The options in the viewpane are applicable to the body levels, it takes precedence over those of the scene,


To make the option in question operational.  

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Thank you Lynk, it will be of great use to me;)
PS: FYI, if you have Windows 10: Shift+windows+S to take local screenshots it's easier:p


Not something to @Kimi222 

And thanks for the tip;)