How to remove in solidworks 2012, "Education edition..."?

When printing (in pdf or under a printer) a drawing, a large writing appears:

"Education Solidworks_utilisation Pedagogical Edition Only


And if it's on an A4 format, it takes up almost the entire bottom !!


For some earlier versions, recording in pdf (without printing in pdf) was then possible.

I also know, with the new versions, that you can transfer to Autocad and simply remove the writing => except that if you insert an image of the rendering in 3D and color, the expected result will not be there. The same goes for writing the quotations and all the texts change font



Thank you





And a simple PDF saving without going through a virtual printer?

you take a screenshot and that's it, NO ?

Solidworks Education is not a so-called production product but an educational product

If you want to be able to make direct prints for exploitation, you have to pay for a license

hoping to have answered your question

@+ ;-)


The parts and drawing files saved in education always keeps track of the license type. After purchasing the license, it is possible to request a small software program that resets the counters. 

Of course, all this is to be negotiated with the dealer.





It's normal, it's an educational version.

Printscreen is the only way to buy a license.






The use of part or assembly components created under a student version is not legal in the context of professional use, hence the message present during printing.

To remove the message, you have to delete the parts created in an education license (visible with a little student hat in the tree) and recreate them on a professional version.

As for the software that removes this mark I don't know any, I know some that do file recognition (if they are in education or not) but none is available to remove the marking even at resellers ... Which seems logical to me since we don't have the right to do "business" with student files.

the only people able to remove this coding are the people from Solidworks, and to remove this marking it is necessary that the solidworks manager has previously given his approval for the markers to be removed ...  valid justification to support this.


There's no other choice than to switch to version,

Standard or Pro or Premium !!

Be careful the fact of changing versions does not change the problem at all, if you use in a "professional" version a part that has been recorded in an education version the marker will always be present because it is integrated into the encoding of the file itself!


If we have a non-student version, does a "save as" of each file with a "hat" in the SolidWorks tree (a sign of creation in student version), solve the problem?


Otherwise, it can only concern the templates of the drawing files:

In this case, you can copy and paste all the views into a new file with a different template, and it works (provided you have no parts created with a student version).

Otherwise, they must be redrawn:

By copying and pasting certain functions directly into the tree, you can sometimes paste them directly onto a plane or a face in a new part, and it saves time.

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No Lucas, a "student" file even re-saved under a "pro" version remains a student file ... only solution saved from the "pro" version in an export format like parasolid for example and reimported the part ... with the loss of the tree of creation that this obviously implies.

In the same way, a file created in "Pro" and then saved as a "student" version becomes a student file.


He would have been better off not creating this damn education version then!!

The educational version was created to train students in the software with a reasonable feedback from the software (hence the education license marker which is the only difference with a pro license)

It is difficult for the national education to buy licenses on CAD software easily exceeding 10000€ per unit ... The national education version of SOLIDWORKS is borderline "gift"

Many companies will find that it is rather a good thing to have students fresh out of school who master their CAD software.


I agree with Fthomas, being a work-study student, the education version is super useful, it allows us to arrive in the company having a good foundation on this software and therefore not to be a burden for the companies, and it is clear that no school can afford pro versions.


Because of my training I was confronted with the same problem as you, parts made at school "contaminated" one of my projects in a company... And unfortunately there is no way to remedy it, except to save your part in export format as said before at the end of your project, when you know that you are not going to modify your part anymore.


To make the writing "education edition" disappear, you need to save your drawings in pdf, there they will be blank of this annotation. This technique works with SLDW 2013 since I use it but it doesn't work with a PDF printer since this kind of software emulates a real printer.


you have to buy the license