How to find out which folders are stored in an ASM's files

Good evening everyone

For a rather complicated ASM I was forced to create several directories according to the phases of the project (alpha, beta, etc...).

For each phase I made a pack and GO to make the versions a little more waterproof, but I just realized that some parts are not stored in the final folder before the MEP (probably due to a lack of rigor at certain times)

As I don't feel like opening all the rooms or pointing between the file manager and the feature manager to see the parts that would be located elsewhere than where they are planned, I tell myself that talented as you are ;-)  that you must have a trick.

With the nomenclature perhaps?

Kind regards

PS:  second little question! in front of each the name of each part in the feature manager I have either (-), be  -   , be nothing at all (remind me what it means. or please give me back the link from a few days ago or you posted the meaning of all these signs because I can't find it ;-)  (don't tap your head or on your fingers)

Good evening Zozo_mp,

You should be able to list all the files and folders in which they are stored by opening your assembly and then going to File / Search for references.

Kind regards


Many thanks @d.roger

That's exactly what I need. Ten pieces were not in the right file. PB solved in seconds.

Thank you ;-) ;-)

Kind regards

PS: another feature I've never used

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You can get the same info without opening it by making a pack & go (without validating it ^^)


Good evening

Well done @d.roger.

   @Zozo_mp =>  There is also TreeHouse.

We also see the tree structure of the entire assembly and the subassemblies. We also see the configurations and properties.

I don't have it fully in hand yet, but it's super interesting. See my PDF.

You can even run Treehouse in the search line (without opening Solidworks). This is from SW2016.

Here is a link:

Good night 

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To answer the second question, when there is (-) in front of a piece it means that it is not totally constrained (at least one degree of freedom remains) or has no constraint at all.

The - all alone I don't remember having seen that before, and when there's nothing in front of the name of the piece it's because it's totally constrained.

It's the same general principle on all notions of constrained elements on SW (in sketches it's the same operation, if entities are not totally constrained, a (-) appears in front of the sketch identifier).


For the second part of the question:
- if it is (-), it means that SW believes that the piece still has, at least, a degree of freedom;
- if there is nothing, the room is completely constrained;
- if there is (+), the part is overstressed.

You do a lot of cinematics, I noticed that SW has trouble accurately estimating the remaining degrees of freedom. By the way, from this point of view, Inventor does much better since it can display for each part the degrees of freedom: type (rotation/translation) and axis(s) -> Hey Mr. SW, when do you release this function?