How do you simplify an image with more than 4000 objects? (via Drafsight)


small question, about importing an image converted to DXF (via Convertio or other).

In fact, I started from an existing image, which I converted via Convertio to DXF. So far, no worries.

It's after that that it gets complicated, when I open it and therefore copy/paste it on my SW sketch, because there are lots of points and independent lines... (more than 4000 objects).

So I might as well tell you that it gets complicated when I want to move these objects or change their scale.

Could you tell me if there is an intermediate manipulation on Drafsight to be done, to simplify this DXF?

I attach the example of my image below.

Thank you in advance to all!




Have you tried to create a block? (Insert toolbar, Define block)

Easier to move and scale.

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Have you tried File, Clean?

The creation of a block crashes the PC because it's so heavy....

I think we need to work more on Drafsight at the beginning, in order to simplify the file....

Not necessarily cleaning because in extrusion or material removal, it works well.

It's just that I want to be able to adjust, move, rotate, more easily the pattern...


Creating a crash block on Draftsight or Solidworks?

Because you can create a block on Draftsight and copy/paste it into an open sketch on Solidworks.

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Otherwise, try to make the sketch in several pieces (the trunk, the branches, the individual leaves) keeping the common origin (one point is enough).
Each sketch will make a block, the blocks can be assembled (it seems to me) into a complete block.

Hello Novice85

At the sight of your attached image which is already converted DXF 

Do you have this unconverted image?

If so, why not insert this image in sketch image insertion

then it's up to you to scale it Wanted 

and trace the contours on a dedicated sketch

You create as many sketches according to your needs and sketch images that can be enlarged or reduced proportionally 

See How to Convert an Image to a Sketch




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I've already had this problem and I've never managed to do anything (converting to 1 block with drafsight, cleaning up layers, etc...)



We sometimes use this kind of file to make engravings, often consisting of spline and micro line.

To avoid the problems of toolpaths on the CAD/CAM software, we had 2 solutions.

use the convert to arc function of the CAD/CAM software.

or do it manually, by tracing in an arc as close as possible to the original, which also allows you to remove the micro arcs of the 1st solution and to make arcs long enough to reduce their number. Very long but effective solution.

Usually I import my dwg/dwf to SW, add a frame and extrude to create a stencil.

But at this stage it is rarely at the right scale, so I add a scale function, and then a sketch that includes all the contours to be transferred to the final part using entity conversion.

In the end you have a file that you can duplicate on an assembly with different scales via the part family and with a lower number of segments/arcs.


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Thank you all for your feedback,

After several tests of the different solutions mentioned below, different works. After that, it remains to be seen what we want in terms of the finished product, and the working time ratio.

The best for me, being the solution of the block created in Drafsight and pasting it on Solidworks. You do what you want with it afterwards.

The plus is to transform it into a block, which can be extremely long, but once the manipulation is done, it's happiness.

Thanks again