How do I delete these lines on SolidWorks?

Hello, in order to design a stirling  engine I would like to model it on SolidWorks.  To do this I used files in DXF form that I previously converted with Meshlab as one of your posts advised. However, the end result is quite voracious in memory and difficult to use. I would have liked to know how I could remove all these blue lines so that I had a full outline.

Thank you for your answer


Hello @ewen.henry 

not being able to see your attached image

I guess your blue line

are surface failures

If this is the case, you just have to sew the surfaces together to obtain a single surface

Look in the Feature Manager for the number of surfaces




Before doing the solution given by gt22, you have to reload the 3D model by disabling the "3D interconnect" in "system option / import".

Kind regards

Thank you for your answer, but how can I sew these surfaces?

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But given the shape of the part, it would be easier and faster to re-model it in SW format directly.

It's okay, I managed to get out of it, thank you for your help!

Don't understand I received a message saying to be identified as the best rests

And it is @d. Roger's answer that is displayed?

personally I'm not against it ;-)

but I find it astonishing????

especially since no message downgrading the said answer 


@gt22, I also received a message saying that I was identified as the best answer... It would be interesting to know what were the manipulations of Ewen.Henry that led to this...

Kind regards