How do I remove backgrounds?


Under Solidworks composer, I have a background with the "DS CATIA Composer" logo (see photo). It does not belong to the ground (nor to the shadow, nor to the mirror, nor to the grid).

I can't delete it and it appears on all extractions (images, videos...).

Do you know how to remove this background? 

Thank you for your help,

Kind regards



I don't have access to dial. From memory, you must:

Go to the "Collaboration" pane in the left window, select "Environment" then "Ground", you can deactivate the DS logo or put another one. 



Hello Yannick,

Thanks, though, it doesn't belong to the ground. All floor components are deactivated...


I'm pretty sure there's a checkmark in the ground tab to remove the logo.

I had been looking for a while to remove this one.

Tonight I'm looking at composer and sending you an image.



I want to, thank you:)

here is the link on which I found how to remove the DS logo

Hello Yannick,

The background that I have is independent of the G. Attached, the soil parameters.

I don't know if it's specific to the version or the installation but impossible to remove this background...



Hello Arthur L

The mention "Trial Edition" appears on the watermark of the background, so you probably don't have to look any further for its origin and why there is no option to get rid of it.

Kind regards

Hello Sylk,

Thank you for this clarification. It gives an awful rendering but if we can't remove it, we'll deal with it.

Good luck and thank you all for your participation.
