How do I delete a reference manually, when it is already broken but Solidworks still takes it into account?

Hello, I am currently having a problem with pdm and the references of a STEP file downloaded from SMC.
the references are broken in the PART file, this one is archived and approved but in the PDM assembly sends us back to the reference of the STEP file which is deleted from PDM
Procedure completed:
1- Download Step
2- Body-move/copy
3- Dissolve the function
4- Registration in PART format
5- Registration under company coding (macro)
6- Insertion into the assembly
7- Archiving + Approval of the Part File
8- Archiving the assembly test - > the problem meets

I suspect the "Body-Move/Copy" function made before dissolving the function to be at the origin of the conflict.

Do you have a solution to offer me knowing that we cannot replace 3D because each part has its own ID in PDM?
Screenshot of the problem
Looking forward to reading you
Kind regards



We had  the same problem. 

We don't put the step in Epdm anymore. We work outside the box  for the whole transformation of a step file. Once the file has been transformed, it is integrated into EPDM.

Since the part has its own ID, there is no other way than to create a new reference that I know of. 

Via the SQL database it is surely possible to modify the state of the file but you should not do anything.







Why keep the part in step

and not in solidworks

The walkthrough must be the


Hello gentlemen, thank you for your answers!

@yannick.petit Had you passed on the information to the technical support and therefore to Solidworks?

@gt22 We don't keep it in step! We switch it back to Solidworks just after having "dissolved the function" to avoid these phantom references.

But I have a doubt about whether I do in this way:

 "Body-Move/Copy" before doing a "dissolve function" and then saving in . PRT; Solidworks must keep a phantom referencing

But if Yannick's solution works without problems, I'm not going to look any further and do the manipulation outside PDM

If you don't use it otherwise, you can also disable 3Dinterconnect in the import options: the link will not be created.

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Yannick Petit's solution is for me the right one. There is no need to put a step file in the EPDM database to get rid of it later: it weighs down the SQL database and the archive servers for nothing (in addition to creating your worries).

And frankly, saving a file locally before saving it in the EPDM database is not very complex.