How do you draw a cogwheel on Solidworks using the involute equation? With a high tooth count

Module m= 2.5

Pressure angle alpha= 20 deg 

Number of teeth z=45 


With a number of teeth <39 I can trace the wheel (cylindrical gear with spur teeth) without any problem, using the equation of the involute (see the video), but as soon as z>39, there the base diameter is less than the diameter of the foot, so I find errors on Solidworks using the same approach. Solutions? 


I have a parameterized wheel in stock since high school, if it can help you, it's a gift!



It's practical, it's fast but be careful, part made under educational license, not to be propagated everywhere....

Kind regards

My problem is when the number of teeth exceeds 39. 


The teeth of a sprocket are between the head and foot diameters so from the moment your base diameter is less than your foot diameter then the elements to be adjusted are no longer the same (about 20min on your video).

Kind regards

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I'm looking to draw an outer cogwheel. Or to draw an inner tooth.

@jpaumier.gmt, the principle is the same:

Kind regards

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