How to turn this drawing into an outline close

Hi all

I still have the same problem with my drawing DXFs, I would like to use them on a sheet metal to be able to follow the external contour by punching holes but for the moment the external   contour is only small segments unusable for me?

I will draw it as an attachment if anyone has an idea thank you



hello @tous

Here is the picture but I didn't understand @marco 's explanation  when he says """ use them on a sheet metal to be able to follow the outside contour by punching holes """


Hi all

Yes I want to reproduce this drawing on a sheet metal panel and then  with a CNC punching machine I follow the outside contour by making holes more or less pass through it here I need a closed outline from the outside of the drawing, so that I can orient it as I wish too????

Thank you for your answers


If the goal is just to have the outer outline, I can only see one solution: to draw a sketch (spline) based on the drawing that should already be cleaned of all the parasitic lines (the "reflections").

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As our friend @ stefbeno says

and thank you @ Zozo for the image post ;-)

The only solution is to take back the features

by creating multiple sketches 

depending on the size of your image on the sheet metal and your holes 

It would be good for a better visual to keep some shadows

Be very careful with the nail puller for a good image rendering


PS there are a few post threads on the subject

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Good evening

I also had this kind of problem with our Plasma or the punching machine.

The mistake came from using Splines! 

I had to start all over again with circles, arcs, fillets, and lines.

Since then, the machine has been recognizing and executing without any problems.

See the PJ


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