How to Find a Part in an ASM

Hi all

I don't have PDM

Indeed, I regularly look for a part whose name I know but I don't always know where it is in the ASM. I just realized that I am wasting a lot of time.

I tried with the search function but this moron can't find it if I don't put the whole length of the word. With SW's file manager it's less convenient than with vindoze's. The function with the nomenclature and then Excel is cumbersome and especially no dynamic link with Excel.

Similarly, how do you find where a part is used when it is used several times in the sub/ASM of the ASM.

Kind regards


Hello, we can already with a right click on the part isolate it so that we locate it in the 3D space

then on the general we make the whole thing transparent then on the part(s) we remove the transparency => and it(s) appear(s) 

last thing right click on the whole thing, I ask in tree display show descriptions 


Just type the name of the part in the filter in the tree-manager and you will see your part or parts appear in your assembly.


Good evening

Thank you both ;-)

I choose the @sbadenis solution because it is the simplest and the one that offers the most possibilities for me. In particular, if we type for example  U-765 I would only have the part starting with this reference. But if I type U_7 I would have all the coins in the 700 range, which largely corresponds to our system of coding coins by range (from U-700 to U_999)
  U_ indicates for example that it is a machined part when =  P_ purchased (purchased).

With the Sbadenis solution I can instantly know how many machined parts I have, for example with one click.

Another thing that interests me with the solution I choose is that I can isolate the constraints of each subset more easily. in selection two letters A_ or S_ because often I wonder where I put the constraint especially in the design phase (or I am less methodical) in the MEP phase everything is put back on its feet before.

Thank you @Sbadenis it was the foot (the foot ; -)    )

Kind regards