If I open this discussion it is because I am looking for a solution to compare the parts of two asseblages or more.
So here it is, in my company we often reuse existing parts or sub-assemblies to create new parts! And so I would like to compare two (or more) approximately identical assemblies and be able to bring out the common parts between the two, in order to be able to list them and provide them to our supplier.
So no, I'm looking for identical parts (same reference) in several different assemblies. In order to be able to output a list with part X is used in assembly 1 and 2, part Y in assembly 1 and 3, part Z 1; 2 and 3 ,... etc.
But I'm looking for a solution with the basic version of solidworks or tools like mycadtool.
I think that this solution is a bit expensive for the few times we have to carry out this research.
All you have to do is find a log that looks for duplicates on Windows.
Make a take-home composition of each ASS and compare the files in each directory.
Edit: be careful if the original assemblies are saved with their parts in different locations, two parts with the same name does not necessarily mean two identical parts.
In addition, you have to make sure that the geometry and properties are identical.
I don't really have an imperative for the comparison! Right at the end I would like to have some kind of list of parts, with the differences and common parts of these assemblies with a color code or a list that really interests me as long as it remains easy to understand for our suppliers.
Here is all the code (done in a hurry so to check, take and improve). This makes it possible, from several Asm loaded in SW, to list the components of each Asm and then to indicate which are the parent Asm for each part.
If you want to test what it looks like, you have to start SW, load 2 or 3 asm and then run the .exe which is in Exe Compare ASM SW\Source\bin\Debug. The result will be in the form of a csv file in the same folder at the end of the processing. For your information I'm on SW2015 but I don't think it changes much.